tekenen op Empire State Building 



Street drawing in Manhattan and sketches at the Empire State Building > floor 102, New York 2023.



photo: Robert van NimwegenTOWNSCAPES Observations of moments from Delft street life, developing into stories. Sometimes Mark van Huystee’s hand-drawn townscapes give rise to written stories by Jan van der Mast. The pictures make passers-by want to stop and talk.

dwars door delft

Crossing Delft

Armed with pen and fineliner, Jan van der Mast (writer) and Mark van Huystee (artist) cross Delft and paint an on-site picture of day-to-day life, in words and drawings.


24 hours creation

Jan and I published a book together, 24 uur Delft Centraal (24 hours at Delft Central), which was created in a straight run of 24 hours.
The idea was to observe people for twenty-four hours near the railway zone, the area where the Big Change is taking place: trains will soon be crossing Delft underground instead of overhead.

Image: fragment from ’24 hours Delft Central’.

Cultural reports

Delft treated its citizens and visitors to a one-year extended cultural program featuring 4 different Cultural Weekends, each with a specific theme, starting with Daily Rituals in Delft. Jan and I follow the program together, publishing our impressions in the local paper, the Delftse Post (with a circulation of 80,000).

culture drawing

video: Robert van NimwegenDRAWING A TOWNSCAPE IN SITU Delft, at the four V's.

culture drawing

Cultural Weekend 4

The theme: The march of events. We choose for a concept of chain reactions, with text responding to images and vice versa, using a pair of iPhones. I started with a drawing of the TU library, Jan responded from Barcelona with text. Three days later the result was published in the Delftse Post.